Highlights of the Summit

Technical Sessions
The Summit will aim at balancing panel discussions with interactive parallel sessions and opportunities for maximizing interaction between participants.
The conference structure includes Plenary Sessions/Interactive Panels/Workshops/ with Q&As from the floor.
Several Technical Sessions related to Northeast India and BIMSTEC countries and with a focus on a range of topics including E-waste management, contamination-free food supply chain, boosting green industries, bioremediation technologies, water conflict, traditional knowledge and practices on environmental conservation, hydrocarbon industries and challenges, smart cities, zero waste etc. would be taken up, where delegates from across the Northeast, contagious biodiversity zones of Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and various BIMSTEC countries besides various parts of India would take part.
1. Smart cities: Zero waste
2. Waste to wealth; a step towards circularity
     • Natural fibres for plastic free world
     • E-waste management
3. Boosting green industries
4. Contamination free food supply chain
5. Bioremediation technologies; lab to field
6. Water issues and sustainability
7. Traditional knowledge and practices on environmental conservation
8. Hydrocarbon Industries and Challenges ahead for posterity

Forest Ministers’ Conclave
In this conclave, inter-State matters relating to management and control of forests, wildlife, biodiversity and environment of Northeastern region would be discussed. The following illustrative list of inter-State matters may be considered in the Round Table – transit of forest produces and minor minerals, wildlife corridors and acquisition of land for it, allocation to forestry sector out of Finance Commission award; promotion of agarwood, bamboo and medicinal plantation through policy intervention and institutional arrangement, joint patrolling mechanism for detection of forest offences and wildlife crime. The conclave may also come up with a ‘Guwahati Declaration’ subject to consensus on the issues that may be raised.

Green Awards
To acknowledge the efforts of various groups and departments engaged in sustainable development and conservation activities across the region, the Northeast Green Summit honours various unique initiatives every year. During previous summits, the organizers feted Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department represented by Forest Minister, Shri Mama Natung for the Airgun Surrender Abhiyaan, Manas Maozigendri Eco Tourism Society for turning former poachers into conservationist at the Manas National Park in Assam and also Shri Shri Hayagrib Madhab Temple in recognition of its active efforts in conserving the species of Black Soft Shell Turtle declared as ‘Extinct in the World’ in 2002 by the IUCN, under the guidance of the temple authorities.

Rhythm of the Hills
The Northeast is covered with high hills, verdant forests teeming with vibrant wildlife, sheer cliffs and breath-taking waterfalls.
Music, dance and theatre inspired by the nature of the Northeast, which are often linked to the glory of the people of Northeast and also depicting the cultural mosaic of the region, would be showcased. This component would be held during both evenings of the Summit.

Indigenous tattoos
Indigenous tattoos, all eco-friendly, are deeply embedded in the cultural, spiritual and social practices of various indigenous communities of Northeast India, serving as markers of identity, status and heritage. Come, listen to the talk to be given by the artists who are reviving the dying tradition of indigenous tattooing! Visit and soak in the rich cultural heritage of Northeast India.

Indigenous Story Telling
Storytelling is the beating heart of indigenous culture as it is the primary way in which their history has been recorded. Today, the practice of storytelling sustains communities, validates experiences, nurtures relationships and serves as a form of important cultural continuation for indigenous peoples. It is the role of elders within communities to pass on their knowledge and wisdom to the younger generations through storytelling – something which will be showcased during the Summit. The life lessons taught through these stories provide an essential way of young people being able to make sense of the world and establish conservation and cultural beliefs.

Showcase of Green Products
Various stalls featuring a wide range of eco-friendly sustainable products will be set up.

Biodiversity Tour
The Northeast Green Summit offers a special Biodiversity Tour for participants to Gorbhangha, providing a unique opportunity to explore and learn about the diverse flora and fauna of the region. This educational tour is part of the Summit’s efforts to preserve and develop the potential of Northeast India’s unique biodiversity zone through awareness programs and sustainable livelihood options. Participants in the tour can expect to engage in hands-on learning experiences, interact with experts in the field, and gain valuable insights into the conservation efforts and ecological significance of the area. It’s a wonderful initiative for students to connect with nature and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
Bird Box From Waste
This live demonstration program will not only teach participants how to create living spaces for birds but also emphasize the importance of reusing waste to reduce our environmental footprint. Participants will have the chance to learn about the types of birds that inhabit the Northeast region, the specific needs of these birds when it comes to nesting and shelter and also how to identify and segregate household waste that can be repurposed into bird boxes.
This hands-on experience is a great way to connect people with nature and inspire them to take action in their daily lives to support wildlife and sustainability. It’s an innovative approach to conservation that benefits both the environment and the local avian population.

E-Waste Artistry
To create awareness about the environment and to help the Summit audience figure out the connect between art, technology and sustainability, a renowned contemporary eco artist & environmentalist from Bangaluru, would create a giant art installation out of e-waste at the Summit venue.
To generate e-waste for this initiative, the Foundation plans to run an online campaign for an e-waste drop off event. Let everybody be a donor and a part of this Retrieve, Recycle & Revive campaign. See your e-wastes recycled into captivating art pieces!

'How Green is my School' Competition
A green school is about more than curriculum, more than programming and more than bricks and mortar. It’s a school that supports global sustainability in every way from energy efficiency to recycling. A green school begins with the future in mind, designing a learning experience for students that will prepare them to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner, more sustainable future. This component is open for all high school students of the region who will pitch on behalf of their schools and offer justifications as to how their school qualifies as a green school. Eminent juries will shortlist the best green schools of the region.

Aranyani : First Docu Fest of NE on Environment
As an integral part of the Northeast Green Summit, the Aranyani Film Festival seeks to elevate
environmental consciousness through the powerful medium of cinema. This festival is
dedicated to encouraging filmmakers, especially from the Northeastern region of India who
serve as vital messengers, delivering stories that both inspire and challenge us to reflect on
our relationship with the environment.
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